Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Flight Write

Options of self occupying of five hours: voyaging the internet, taking advantage of the WiFi on an airplane- ... just because I can or... taking the five hours all to myself indulging in uncompleted projects? Final decision? Alternating between reading a non-fiction, and staring out the window to let my mind wander, of course!

Say you spilled ketchup on your favorite pair of pants- what would you think to yourself? Thought number one: Ughhh ketchup of course you would have to smother the fabric of my one and only favorite pair of jeans! Or, option number two: Whoops, at-least it wasn't bleach! Chances are, you wouldn't think either of those two, but what I'm trying to get at, by lollydallying around with words: do you look at the glass half empty- or half full?

Oh really? Yes, really! Throughout the past few years, realizing how your outlook on one simple thought "like vs. dislike", can really, well- change your life. Looking at things, people, places, events, ect- with a dislike vibe, is a scarcity mentality. We look at those things, in terms of what it lacks. Why do we invest our energy on the lacks instead of snacks? Are you a victim of the "only me" syndrome? "If only I had..."? That is what type of energy you are admitting to the universe- and that is what you will get back. Expecting to find happiness, by things "going right"- is only temporary. You are the person who decides is things are "going right" and you are the person who decides what is "right".

Think about everything we have- water, the sun, the blue sky... a spiral notebook. Give thanks. Send love, and it will return. Have you ever felt like you failed at something? What were you focusing on? What you did WRONG! Failure does not exist, but only opportunity to learn, and better yourself. Lastly, believe that whatever it is, that you desire, believe that you already have it, us humans are "more more more" machines, good and bad- good- it drives us; however, bad because we will always, always- ALWAYS want more more and more- where is the authentic happiness if we're always striving, and never arriving? Proof: remember when you were a kid, watching Saturday morning cartoons- and you witnessed a colorful, vivid, and enchanting commercial that some marketing major devised with every intention of getting an "I want that" response from every one in the age group the commercial was pitched to? Perhaps, that toy went on your holiday wish list, or birthday list, and if you were born after 95'- I'm assuming there is a Toys R' Us gift registry it went on. You would dream about the toy, picture it sitting in your bedroom with the access of holding it in your own very two hands. You finally get the toy, play with it- and then- you're done with it. Well- small or large items on your adult wish-list will have the same effect, unless if you really start to appreciate what we have without it.

If we stop focusing on what we don't have, and appreciate the things that have entered our lives, we are on a path of growth and fulfillment.