Friday, October 1, 2010

Folktale Friday: "Mohemy Minds Mute"

This is a story of an average human being, five fingers, five toes she was aged somewhere in her twenties. Her name was, Mohemy. She had a good head on her shoulders and a healthy heart. Everyone around town seemed to adore Mohemy. They would say things about her such as "I love Mohemy! She's so fun to be around!" "Mohemy is so full of life!" When people would tell Mohemy this, it made her feel good, but she never knew what to say, so she would smile politely and reply "thank-you so much!" Mohemy loved being around people- in fact, when she was around people she would get so excited, and wanted to show some sort of gratitude of spending time together, she loved bringing smiles to their faces. At the same time, she wanted them to stay, and feel comfortable. She associated feeling comfortable with people, by talking. She thought "if we have a lot to talk about, then we will find something in common, and then we will have a connection!"

So it was a Friday night, there was a town event, Mohemy put on her best dress, and arrived with a smile. At arrival, she extended her hand, and introduced herself to the guests, "Hi, I'm Mohemy.... scared for an awkward silence, she would talk about the first thing she noticed about the person. ".....uhhh I like your tie!". The other person was flattered at the least. She would charm people, and talk a mile-a-minute. When she ran out of things to say, she would make another observation and talk about that-
" I feel like I know you from somewhere- do you work at the coffee shop on the corner? No? Oh, okay, I really love that place- they have blueberry coffee! It's so good! Blueberries are good too! Did you know they're high in antioxidants? You know what else is high in antioxidants? Green-tea and!.... KETCHUP!! Yes! Ketchup! I was surprised when I read that! It's in something called Lycopene, I believe... but I prefer salsa over ketchup- it's more natural, and it has less sugar! and she would go on and on and on- she chatted with just about everyone at the event, except there was one person who she did not talk to- and that was the boy whom she had a crush on. He seemed like the life of the party, chatted with just about everyone there, he was the only one whom Mohemy was intimidated to talk to.

That night, she went home- and was sad for some reason, so she took a night stroll to the local park, and sat under her favorite tree, it was a weeping willow tree with long, soft oval leaves with colors ranging from various shades of green to a blueish, yellow color. Just then, out of nowhere came a face from the weeping willow tree. Mohemy at first was scared, but she felt a sense of familiarity of the face.

"Hello Mohemy, I'm Master Omnicient, the "wise weeping willow tree", why so blue today?"

Mohemy needed someone to talk to- so she replied, "I went to a town gathering today, and even though I connected with everyone, I still feel so disconnected, I'm lonely".

Master Omnicient replied, "Mohemy, did you make an effort to talk to people? Get to know them?"

---"Yes! I talked to every single person there! I had great and long conversations!

"Yes, but I asked if you got to know them", Master Omnicient said.

Mohemy replied, "Yes we talked so much, there wasn't one awkward silence moment!!"

"Ah ha! If you don't have any pauses for silence, you aren't truly listening to the other person! You're so in your head thinking about what to say next! Silence is the real harmony to connecting with a human being. Harmoney of the heart. Chit-chat is clutter of the mind. Clutter that has been saved from the past, and needs to be cleared out. Only silence will you be in the "now" present moment. You my friend, have something I'd like to call, "the disease to please" and "fear of the unknown". As long as everyone else is happy, you are too, or so you think. And fear of "What if we don't connect?" My friend, the truth is what will bring you closer to your destiny. First, love yourself. Your flaws, for you are human. You are protecting- take off your carnival mask, and reveal you, for you- yourself are a miracle. Your mask is not you, it is false. Bondings made with this mask are just that- false. The relationships are just a mere illusion. Remember, you will never know the next moment in life, accept it. So live in the now by listening and embracing the silent moments, for only then- will you find words with meaning."

Something clicked inside Mohemy, "Oh... I thought the way to knowing someone was by communicating?"

-- Master Omniscient replied- "My friend, silence is communication, communication of the heart, communication of just being there- verbal communication is lovely too, remember, there is more than one way of communicating, slow down the mind, breath, and simply just "be".

Just then Master Omniscient's face disappeared. A rattling noise from the bushes came about, and appeared was the guy at the town event, whom Mohemy wanted to speak to, but was too intimidated to.

"I come here to think too... I heard everything", the guy said.

Just as Mohemy was about to explain herself, the guy went on to say,

..."I saw you at the town event, and I had no idea, you felt that way-

Normally, Mohemy would talk in defense to justify any actions that may have revealed any sort of vulnerability that may of altered one's view of her being a "strong" young lady. but just as she was about to speak, she paused, took a breath, and replied, "It's true." Just that. Not- "No- well, usually I- but and plus I wasn't feeling that good, and you know how you feel when you only got this many hours of sleep, so-..."

Simply, "It's true."

Just then, the guy replied, "Wow, I felt the same way, I just didn't know other people did, thank you so much for sharing that" "I felt so uncomfortable with silence, that I tried to cover it up, by talking a lot, but I would still go home feeling so alone. I would ask myself, why do I care what these people think of me? I never really understood it, until just a few moments ago, when I realized you can only give away what you have, and I didn't have acceptance for myself. I hid everything, people would assume were "flaws".

Mohemy suddenly did not feel so alone. For once, she did not make a connection on an exterior observation, but from something within.

"Hi, I'm Donato, by the way, I really thought you were cute, and I wanted to introduce myself, but I'll be honest, I was kind of intimidated by your bubbly presence."

That night Mohemy and Donato discovered a key to a door in their life that was locked for so long, all due to fear. They found a new kind of communication, one that was real.

Written by: Amy Jans

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